It is myself and the hotel clerk here at the business center at the hotel on Sami´s and my last night here in Spain. Tomorrow, around 6 am, Fermin, Director of Scooby, will be coming to take us and our four new friends to the airport. We will be at Kennedy around 2 pm EST, with Lisa and company awaiting to take the four new galgos to their new lives in the United States. While we met the galgos yesterday, we really got to know them today. We had time to really get into the paddock and just
be with them today, and it made all the difference. Yesterday, only Moro, the not shy one at all, would come to me. Today, Moro was still front and center, but little by little Farruco and Buffon came and allowed themselves to be pet. Only little Java was still wary of us, but I considered it progress that she gave me a good sniffing in a place that I will only leave to the imagination. Later in the day they were prepped for their journey to America and I got to spend some more time with them, again, just telling them that their lives were going from dirt and straw to pampering and never having to want again. Moro, with his old soul eyes, seemed to get it first. I think anyone who adopts any of these hounds is going to have such wonder and discovery in seeing their dog realize that the worst of life is over and the best of life has just begun.
Sami said a very wise thing yesterday (and that is generous of me saying seeing what she said in the GAA post about She said she didn´t care that we were starving the first night or the other things that happened, as seeing these hounds and knowing that they would have homes very soon was the most important thing. If anything, that is the lesson of Scooby. They rescue the hounds so they can have happy homes, or at least a better life.
I saw a group of people work very hard to make sure that was the case, and each and every one of them deserves more accolades than I can give. Sure, there were things about this trip that I would have done differently, and a few things that I wish weren´t done, but in the end, we came to Scooby to save four lives, and that is what we did. And they are four very special lives at that.
There will be more posts with more pictures, I promise, but for now it is packing and prepping and a very early day tomorrow, followed by a long flight, and some jet lag. As always, thank you for keeping us, the hounds, and the hounds at home in your thoughts and prayers. See everyone soon.
Poor Moro, so tired after all that petting
Buffon sunning himself
Farruco looking into the distance
Ms. Java on her perch
I met "Charlie the Galgo" at the weekly greyhound run at our playgroup last Sunday. He was so tiny but full of spirit. He actually behaves a lot like a puppy. Very curious about everything and just adores people's attention. It seems like he cannot be happier about his new life with his mom and greyhound brother. Thank you for your good work.