Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pizza and donkeys and galgos, oh my!

Well, here I sit in the hotel business center, which is a fancy name for a desk and older computer in the lobby, but it helps! Since one of our greyhound friends, who shall remain nameless, already chastised us for not putting something on the blog, here I sit with Spanish television in the background for entertainment. I think someone just won a car or something.

It has been quite an adventure so far. The work Scooby has been able to do with so little money is incredible. We have always said that American greyhounds have it so good compared to their galgo cousins. Well, it can also be said that American greyhound agencies have it so good compared to their galgo counterparts. There is sometimes not electricity, hot water, or other items, but these people seem to take care of 300 or so animials, including galgos, cats, donkeys, and ducks. No animal is turned away, even the ones dumped on Scooby because they basically are just about the die and the owners no longer want the ´burden´. There are discussions at times that why bother helping galgos when there are so many greyhounds to be assisted. One look at Scooby and many would not ever say that again.

Today we really got down to work. Sami assisted in the vet clinic, helping a very young vet get some semblence of order to the clinic. People, out of the goodness of their heart, donate things that Scooby does not need and it just gets stored, leaving Scooby to have to catalog items, which the staff of 5 (for 300 animals) never has time to do. In between she played with a puppy and actually had to assist the vet when he performed minor surgery.

I was asked to help in the office trying to nurse some computers back to health. It really is an international mix at Scooby. There are Spanish people, Dutch people, and Romanians there at any one time, and now add one badly Spanish speaking American doing computer work. Today we also got to visit many of the paddocks where the animals are kept, except for the paddocks where the galgos we are going to bring back were held, because two dogs got into a fight there and one had to be put down, so the whole paddock was in lockdown.

Sami made a couple of new friends, including a puppy who just loved her and a donkey who thought she was the greatest thing since sliced bread. See them below.

We found a pizza place to devour lunch and dinner at, after having very little luck and learning the Spaniards eat their big meal at noon and a much smaller meal at night, meaning we had just a bit of finger food for dinner last night. We wisened very quickly!

Tomorrow is more of the same and then Sunday we fly back with our four charges.
Talk to ya soon!

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